The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam:
Unknown Year Collins Library of Classics Margaret R. Caird Edition

Another plain Collins edition with no date. To differentiate it from the other one, I’ve marked it as the Library of Classics edition. It also differentiates itself by actually having illustrations…that are, of course, not credited as far as I can tell. The pictures themselves have a little ‘MRC’ autograph…so that is something.

It, like this Crowell edition, has ‘Salaman and Absal’ content combined with it.

This edition was donated by Bill Cloutier. Thank you!

Update 04/2021: A visitor reached out with the knowledge of who the artist is. It is Margaret R. Caird. This was confirmed via Abebooks as there are other editions with her illustrations that credit her. I have updated this entry with this new information. Thanks!

The Book Itself

Held up very well over time (however long that is). The marbled flyleaf is a nice touch. Quite fond of the heading font.

The Poetry

Looks sharp. I like the drop caps. This general aesthetic appeals to me because it feels so…old fashioned. Rough in a special kind of way.

The Illustrations

Strong black and white artwork. I like the little embellishing sketches that a few pages have.