The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam:
~1970 Avenel Books Sullivan Edition

This edition, published by Avenel Books with Edmund J. Sullivan’s quirky artwork is a crisp, clean edition of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. It has a leather cover. No date is given, however, I did find a source that put it at 1970. My copy is in very good condition.

The Book Itself

Smooth, brown leather. Sturdy and slim. Not much else interesting about it.

The Poetry

It gets the job done in a simple fashion. The artwork really bleeds into the poetry pages. Not sure if that’s due to age or just the quality of the stock.

The Illustrations

I love this stark art style. Sullivan’s art is so striking and odd. The artwork aligns in its own way with each quatrain.

History/Information Sourcing

The Open Library seems to have a page for this edition here and it says it was published in 1970. This feels reasonable due to how good of a condition it is in and that when searching for Avenel Books on eBay or Alibris I found other books in a similar time period (1960s, 1970s) and style.